We will always act honourably to support young people's relationships and give them the tools they need to enhance their life. It is essential for a young person to feel safe in order for them to be able to recover from past trauma to enable them to develop and achieve. Therefore, we have invested time in creating 24/7 supported, safe, welcoming spaces within our homes to aid in young people feeling a sense of belonging to promote their safety.
We have empathy for the people we help. In situations where young people may feel oppressed or marginalized or where their voices may need to be amplified, we take action to advance social justice and advocate on their behalf.
A core approach in our style of working is empowering the young people we work with to make crucial steps and decisions in their life. Through this we hope to enable them to gain a better sense of self, improved self-esteem and feel valued, and to enable them to achieve good outcomes in the future.
We are mindful of individual differences, as well as cultural and ethnic diversity. We treat each young person with dignity and respect and promote young people’s capacity to address their own needs and improve their personal situations. Our ethos is to respect differences and promote self-determination in order to maintain the dignity and worth of all our young people.
Our mentors consistently uphold our goal, objectives, and moral principles and standards, and they always act honorably and with integrity.
We strive for all young people to achieve equal opportunities, and we have established good local networks with key stakeholders.
We are there to support the young person throughout their time with us, to not feel alone, and to create community networks.
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